Thursday, 1 November 2012

Tea for two

Imagine my delight last weekend, to be innocently loitering by a gum tree, and have two male Gang-gang Cockatoos fly in. The tree was not too far from where I'd seen the male a few weeks earlier and they were very interested in the hollows, as you can see, so it's nice to think of the Gang-gangs living so close.

However, when I walked by the tree another time, there were starlings swarming all over it, flying in and out of the hollows, like horrible rats. In the bushland there are big swarms of them. I don't like.

Chicken? I'm sure that's a Gang-gang!


  1. Oh how wonderful to have these magnificent birds living close by. You got some great shots too. I love this post, and the joke at the end.


  2. Thanks. I had no idea they were so close. It pays to look!

    More cheese Grommit?
